LOCATION: Ahtopol, South Black sea coast, Bulgaria. See the F.A.Q. for more info.
See the Arrive and depart section in the F.A.Q. for how to reach Ahtopol and what we can do for you to find us easily.
IN ORDER TO WORK CLOSELY WITH EACH OF THE PARTICIPANTS THE COURSE GROUP IS LIMITED TO NO LESS THAN 5 and NO MORE THAN 10 MEMBERS AT A TIME.Please note - if there are less than 5 participants registered for a particular course date, the course will be combined with the next closest date when there will be mat least 5 person registered. On the opposite - if there are more than 10 registered, they will be moved to the closest date available, see the course dates.
Registration for the course is made by paying a course fee only. (Accommodation reservation should be made by a separate payment to the hotel directly, see Food and accommodation section in the FAQ). The course is thought for no less than 5 and no more than 10 participants at a time. To reserve a course date and place be quick, once we get first 10 participants for a particular date the registration will be closed and the corresponding date will be marked as SOLD OUT. You will then have an option to pick another date. Of course, if there are people who want to join you without attending the course they are welcome to stay with you at the same accommodation price, see the Food and accommodation info in the F.A.Q. If you happen to be the 11th registered and you can't make it to arrange a later course date, please email us to solve the situation, you won't be left behind.
COURSE FEE - 350 or 450 Euro (depending of the program chosen), discounts available, see the Any discounts available section in the F.A.Q.
Please note: If there are less than 5 participants registered for a certain date, they will be offered to move to the next closest date when the group will be no less than 5. Same goes if the group exceeds 10 participants.